Beginner 1: January 2025 Mondays 7.30 pm


Starting Monday 13th January 2025

SMALL GROUP (up to 9 students)
Location: ‘Rock Cottage’ (240-248 West Street, BS3 3NE)
10 weeks (with a break for half-term)
Day/Time: Mondays 7.30-9 pm
Duration of each session: 1h 30min
CEFR Level: A1.1
Fee: Early Bird £185 (before 14th November) / £199 (afterwards)

Course book:  Aula Internacional Plus 1 – Libro del alumno, 2020

Book not included in the course fee. Languages Direct may offer a discount when purchasing for our course

Used in our Beginner 1 and Beginner 2 levels.

Course information
This course is suitable for students with no previous knowledge of Spanish, very basic knowledge (i.e. some words or phrases) or previous basic knowledge but very rusty (i.e. took a Beginner or Elementary course years ago). In this course you will have the chance to…

  • Have a taste of what learning Spanish is like and have a chance to learn your very first sentences
  • Acquire basic vocabulary, grammar and useful sentences to start communicating in Spanish
  • Start developing your listening, speaking, interacting, reading and writing skills
  • Start gaining some Beginner level knowledge which will lead you towards an A1 level of the CEFR*
  • Learn about the culture of the different Spanish speaking countries
  • Meet new people with a common interest and have fun learning together ☺

After finishing this course, students will be able to continue their Spanish studies by joining our Beginner 2 course (same book, just different chapters). 

If you have any questions about this course, please email

* CEFR – Common European Framework of Reference for languages

Out of stock

Approximate course programme

Following book Aula Internacional Plus 1 – Libro del alumno, 2020

(Book not included in the course fee. Languages Direct may offer a discount when purchasing for our course)

Week 1 – Unit 0: ¡Bienvenidos al curso! (Welcome to the course!)

  • Teacher’s introduction and student’s introductions
  • Why do you want to learn Spanish?
  • Brief introduction to the course and coursebook
  • Greetings & basic questions/answers
  • Numbers 1-10
  • Alphabet and spelling your name
  • Classroom vocabulary & questions about language

Week 2 – Unit 1: Nosotros y nosotras (Us)

  • Basic vocabulary and other Spanish words you already know
  • Numbers 11-100
  • Jobs and nationalities
  • Providing personal information (age, nationality, job)
  • Verbs SER, TENER and LLAMARSE (only “Yo” form, Present Tense) and masc/fem.

Week 3 Unit 1: Nosotros y nosotras (Us)

  • Asking/providing email address and phone number
  • Talking about another person (verbs in “Él/ella” form, Present Tense)
  • Verbs SER, TENER and LLAMARSE (all forms in Present Tense)

Week 4 Unit 2: Quiero aprender español (I want to learn Spanish)

  • Aspects of Hispanic culture
  • Leisure activities & expressing ‘I want to + activity’
  • Masculine/feminine words and how to say “the”
  • Explaining why you want to learn Spanish

Week 5 Unit 2: Quiero aprender español (I want to learn Spanish)

  • Introduction to verb conjugation of verbs HABLAR, COMPRENDER, VIVIR
  • Verb conjugation practice
  • Talking about learning Spanish using “yo” form of verbs
  • Conjugation of irregular verb QUERER (all forms)


Week 6 Unit 3: ¿Dónde está Santiago? (Where is Santiago?)

  • Vocabulary to describe places
  • Talking about cities

Week 7 Unit 3: ¿Dónde está Santiago? (Where is Santiago?)

  • How to say VERY and MANY: MUY, MUCHO/A, MUCHOS/AS
  • Question words WHAT, WHERE, WHICH, HOW, HOW MANY
  • Talking about the seasons and the weather

Week 8 Unit 4: ¿Cuál prefieres? (Which one do you prefer?)

  • Shops and going shopping
  • Describing clothes and masc/fem adjectives
  • Further practice of masculine vs feminine adjectives
  • Items to take with you when travelling & verb LLEVAR
  • Express obligation with TENER QUE – ‘have to + verb’
  • Introduction to all forms of verb IR – ‘to go’

Week 9 Unit 4: ¿Cuál prefieres? (Which one do you prefer?)

  • Talking about what someone wears & verb LLEVAR
  • Expressing preferences with verb PREFERIR
  • Numbers +100
  • Dialogue in a shop and say how much things cost

Week 10 Revision with quiz or games

Course Information

Course information
This course is suitable for students with no previous knowledge of Spanish, very basic knowledge (i.e. some words, greetings, some experience on Duolingo) or who attended a Beginner 1 many years ago. In this course you will have the chance to…

  • Have a taste of what learning Spanish is like and have a chance to learn your very first sentences
  • Acquire basic vocabulary, grammar and useful sentences to start communicating in Spanish
  • Start developing your listening, speaking, interacting, reading and writing skills
  • Start gaining some Beginner level knowledge which will lead you towards an A1 level of the CEFR*
  • Learn about the culture of the different Spanish speaking countries
  • Meet new people with a common interest and have fun learning together ☺

Students in this course will be able to continue their Spanish studies by joining the Beginner 2 course (A1.2) the following term, after which, they will have completed their full A1 level.

If you have any questions about this course, please email

See course programme, course book and T&Cs below.

* CEFR – Common European Framework of Reference for languages.

Terms & Conditions

  • There will be a maximum of 15 students in the class.
  • The course materials included in the price are any materials used in class (i.e. handouts, games, PDFs, Power Points, audio files and links to online activities), which will be sent by email as well.
  • Students will have to purchase a course book which costs around £25 new (but second hand copies of the book are accepted). The book covers levels Beginner 1, Beginner 2, Elementary 1 and Elementary 2.
  • The course fee paid for this course is not transferrable to any future courses.
  • Missed classes policy: if a student misses one or more classes, the teacher will send them an email with the learning materials used in class during those sessions so they can catch up at home. It is the student’s responsibility to catch up and continue attending their course. Missed lessons will not be refunded. Students who have missed a considerable number of lessons cannot automatically retake this lessons in the next term as the fee paid is for the current course only. However, the school may offer them the opportunity to retake the lessons if, after the enrolment period has finished, some of the places have not been filled.
  • Cancellation policy: if a student wishes to withdraw from the course, they must notify SCB by email. With 2 weeks notice or more, full refund. With 1 week notice, 50 % refund. With less than 1 week notice, no refund.
  • For the course to go ahead, a minimum of 6 students is required. If the week before the course starts a group has less than 6 students registered, that group may have to be cancelled and registered students will receive a full refund. Alternatively, the course can still go ahead, but the fee will have to be increased.
  • This course does not lead to an official certificate; students can register for official DELE or GCSE exams independently. SCB can advise on where to take the exams and offer additional exam preparation classes.