Beginner 2 September 2023 Tuesdays 8-9.30 pm


Starting Tuesday 19th September 2023
face-to-face on site
Location: ‘Rock Cottage’ (240-248 West Street, BS3 3NE)
10 weeks (with a break for half-term on Tuesday 24th October)
Day/Time: Tuesdays 8-9.30 pm
Duration of each session:
1h 30min
Course book: Gente Hoy 1 – Libro del alumno, 2013 (NOT INCLUDED IN THE COURSE FEE. Please click on the link to purchase)
CEFR Level: A1.2
Fee: £165 Early Bird (book before 9th July) / £185 (afterwards)

Course Information
This course is suitable for students who have previously attended a Beginner 1 course (around 15h of tuition) or have previously learned the language covered in our Beginner 1 course programme while travelling or visiting family. Students should have previously had some opportunities for basic speaking practice. This course may be challenging for students who have learned some vocabulary/phrases on Duolingo but have had no classroom or speaking experience (they should attend the Beginner 1 level first). In this course you will have the chance to…

  • Expanding your Spanish vocabulary and learn how to form sentences in the Present Tense.
  • Putting in to practice your basic knowledge of Spanish by chatting with your peers in Spanish
  • Continue developing your listening, speaking, interacting, reading and writing skills
  • Consolidate your Beginner level knowledge and gain an A1 level of the CEFR*
  • Learn about the culture of the different Spanish speaking countries
  • Meet new people with a common interest and have fun learning together ☺

After completing this course, students will be able to continue with their Spanish studies by joining the Elementary 1 course (A2.1).

Please find below a course programme, details about the course book and T&Cs.

If you have any questions about this course, please email

* CEFR – Common European Framework of Reference for languages

See course programme, course book and T&Cs below.

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COURSE PROGRAMME (following book Gente Hoy 1 – Libro del alumno, 2013 – Not included in the course fee)


Week 1 ¡Bienvenidos al curso! 

Greetings, introductions and sharing our experiences learning Spanish.

Questions and answers to know our colleagues better.

Our hobbies, likes and dislikes. Using verbs GUSTAR (to like) and ENCANTAR.

Some verb endings in the Present Tense.

(Additional material)


Week 2 Unit 4: Gente de compras (1)

Names of shops and what they sell (pp.48-50, ex. 1 & 2)

Numbers 0-100 (p.52, ex. 4)

Asking about price and understanding (p.52, ex. 5)

Conversation in a shop (p.51, ex. 3)

Where do you usually do your shopping? (p.52, ex. 6)

Buying presents for someone (p.52, ex. 52)


Week 3 Unit 4: Gente de compras (2)

Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns (p.52-53)

Conjugation of verbs TENER and NECESITAR (p.52, ex. 8)

Clothes, colors and describing what someone is wearing (additional material)

Choosing clothes for different occasions, clothes and adjectives (p.53, ex. 9)

Organising a party and suggesting presents (p.55, ex. 11 & 12)

Conjugation of verbs QUERER and PODER (p.55)

At home: Reading comprehension ¿Dónde compramos? (p.56-57, ex. 14)


Week 4 Unit 5: Gente en forma 1

Healthy and unhealthy habits (pp.58-59, ex 1)

Causes and symptoms of stress > Verbs in Infinitive mode (p.62, ex. 5 A)

Types of Infinitives in Spanish: -AR, -ER, -IR (additional material)

Asking and answering questions with different verbs (p.62, ex. 5 B)

Yoga poses and instructions > More verbs in Infinitive mode (p.60, ex. 2)

Simon says… Parts of the body (p.60, ex. 2)

Reflexive vs non-reflexive verbs (p.62-63, ex. 5, C & D)

Verb endings in the Present Tense: regulars/irregulars (pp.59-63)


Week 5 Unit 5: Gente en forma (2)

Vocabulary related to sports (p.61, ex. 3)

Practicing sports and understanding interviews (p.61, ex. 3 & ex. 4)

Understanding people talking about good and bad habits (p.63, ex. 6)


Week 6 Unit 5: Gente en forma (3)

Recommendations for having healthy body and mind (p.64, ex. 7 A & B)

Writing a guide to live 100 years, healthy and happy (p.65, ex. 7 C & D)

At home: Reading comprehension ¿Un horario irracional? (p.66-67, ex. 8 & 9)


Week 7 Unit 6: Gente que come bien (1)

Spanish food and dishes + revision GUSTAR/ENCANTAR (p.68-69, ex. 1)

Additional activity to revise and learn more food vocabulary.

Asking about eating habits + Mediterranean diet (p.71, ex. 4)


Week 8 Unit 6: Gente que come bien (2)

Asking/describing ingredients in a dish with verb LLEVAR (p.72, ex. 5 & 6)

Ordering food in a restaurant (p.70, ex. 3 and p.73, ex. 7)

Rol-play restaurant (additional material)


Week 9 Unit 6: Gente que come bien (3)

Expressing food quantities, weights, measures and packaging (p.70, ex. 2)

Spanish tortilla recipe and you own recipes (pp.74-75, ex. 9-10)

At home: Reading comprehension Hoy no ceno (p.76-77, ex. 11 & 12)


Week 10 Revision, games, quiz and end of course drinks 



  • There is a maximum of 15 students per class.
  • The course materials included in the price are any materials used in class (i.e. handouts, games, PDFs, Power Points, audio files and links to online activities), which will be sent by email as well.
  • Students will have to buy a classbook, which will last 4 courses (Beginner 1 and Beginner 2 + Elementary 1 and Elementary 2) and cost around £20.
  • If a student misses a class, learning materials will be provided by email and any handouts only given on paper format in class will be handed out in the next session. After revising those materials at home, the student can email the tutor to ask any questions they may have.
  • Once the course has been booked, if a student wishes to withdraw from the course and request a full refund, they must write an email to SCB at least 2 weeks before the course starts. With less than 2 weeks notice, the refund will be 50 % unless SCB finds another student to take their place. Once the course has started, the fee will not be refunded.
  • For the course to go ahead, a minimum of 6 students is required. If the week before the course starts a group has less than 6 students registered, that group may have to be cancelled and registered students will receive a full refund. Alternatively, the course can still go ahead, but the fee will have to be increased.
  • In order to complete the full A1 level of the CEFR, students will have to complete the Beginner 1 (A1.1) and Beginner 2 courses (A1.2).
  • This course does not lead to an official certificate; students can register for official DELE or GCSE exams independently. SCB can advise on where to take the exams and offer additional exam preparation classes.